Thursday, 8 September 2011

First week and Personal Development. :)

Well, last week was our first week in TY. We all got put into our new classes (I'm in Fódla- Which by the way is the best class out of the three) which is pretty weird because we are all so used to our other classes.
  On Tuesday of this week, We had a Personal and Social development workshop with this guy called Austin, which actually turned out to be a great day! We did lots of group work and discussing which was good to help us not be so awkward as a class group, and learnt about "The Four Humours" which were, Directors(Red), Entertainers(Yellow), Mediators(Green) and Observers(Blue). We played a game with cards to help us find which group we were in and at the end, whichever colour you had the most of determined which group you were in. I was a director (Not a huge suprise considering everyone was firing the red cards at me) as I got 6/8 red cards and in these groups made a poster describing how we would save christmas
  We also found out if we were intro-verted or extro-verted, I was told I was intro-verted (which actually suprised me alot because I wouldn't consider myself shy)
  In the end, it was a really good day, our class wasn't really that close the first week, so I think this might have helped us become a little bit closer :) (There is no way you can say that without sounding really cheesey)

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