Thursday, 20 October 2011

English trip and Build a Bank stuff

Sooo, didn't get to blog this morning, because I was at a talk about the Build a Bank challenge. OMG I need to get in. Was going to apply for the craic anyway, but the prizes are amazing aswell, and it's something else to put on my very empty CV..
  We went on our English trip yesterday, first we went to the "National Library" which had no books... then the National musuem to look at the bog bodies which was really interesting, and then the WB Yeats exhibiton which Was probably my favourite one out of the three.
  Then we had our very nutritious lunch in MacDonalds, and then went to see Juno And The Paycock in the Abbey theatre, which was pretty great. My favourite character was Johnnny, because of the amazing acting and everything, obviously...

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